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AAC l Alternative Augmentative Communication

ABA l Applied Behavioral Analysis

ABC l Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence

ADA l Americans with Disabilities Act

ADD/ADHD l Attention Deficit/Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

APD l Auditory Processing Disorder

APE l Adaptive Physical Education

ASA l Autism Society of America

ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorders

ASF l Autism Society of Florida

ASHA l American Speech and Hearing Association

ASL | American Sign Language

AT | Assistive Technology



BCBA l Board Certified Behavioral Analyst

BIP | Behavioral Intervention Plan



CARD l Center for Autism and Related Disabilities

CBA | Curriculum Based Assessment

CBT l Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CCSS | Common Core State Standards

CDA | Child Development Associate

CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention

CD | Cognitive Delay

CPS l Child Protective Services



DD | Developmental Delay

DOE | Department of Education

DS | Down Syndrome

DSM | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - American Psychiatric Association

DSM-IV l Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th Edition




EBD | Emotional Behavioral Disorder

EI l Early Intervention

ESE l Exceptional Student Education

ELL l English Language Learner

ESY | Extended School Year (Summer School) 

EFD l Executive Functioning Disorder

FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education

FBA | Functional Behavioral Assessment

FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act




GE | General Education

HI | Hearing Impaired

HIPAA l Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 



ID | Intellectual Disabilities

IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEP | Individualized Educational Plan



LD | Learning Disability

LEA | Local Education Agency

LRE | Least Restrictive Environment

NCLB | No Child Left Behind Act (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)

NT l Neurologically Typical


OCD | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

ODD | Oppositional Defiant Disorder

OHI | Other Health Impairment

OT | Occupational Therapy



PALS | Peer-Assisted Learning System

PANDAS Pediatric Autoimmune Neurological Disorder Associated with Strep

Part B | Special Education – School – Aged Children

Part C | Special Education – Birth – Two Year’s Old

PASS | Plan for Achieving Self-Support

PBS | Positive Behavioral Supports

PD | Physical Disability

PDDNOS | Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

PECS l Picture Exchange Communication System

PLP | Present Level of Performance

PP | Paraprofessional

PS | Preschool

PT | Physical Therapy

RDA | Results-Driven Accountability

RS | Related Services

RDI l Relationship Development Intervention 

RTI | Response to Intervention



SAS | Supplementary Aids and Services

Section 504 | Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

SI | Sensory Integration

SLP | Speech Language Pathologist

SLD | Specific Learning Disability

SLI | Speech/Language Impairment

SLP | Speech/Language Pathologist

SSDI | Social Security Disability Income



UDL l Universal Design for Learning

VR | Vocational Rehabilitation

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