The Autism Society of Florida understands the ongoing concerns surrounding the COVID-19 virus.
During this crisis, the Autism Society is communicating regularly with parents, self-advocates and professionals to provide relevant, reputable resources and information to address the added challenges to the autism community.

The Autism Society of America and our affiliates promise to remain committed to improving the lives of all affected by autism across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, and will focus on providing information, resources, and advocacy efforts to address these urgent needs.
The autism community faces extraordinary challenges during the COVID-19 crisis. We are proud to launch a comprehensive toolkit on our website, which provides COVID-19 information and resources by topic, including Mental Health & Respite, Modifying Routines, Lifestyle Supports, and much more.
For Adults with Autism
This is a stressful time for all of us. Having to keep a safe 6 foot distance, self-isolate and disrupt our routines is difficult. You are not alone. Reach out to your support network, friends and family with phone calls, text messages, and/or FaceTime.
Use the techniques you have learned to cope with your emotions during this uncertain time. If you need assistance you can dial 211 to get connected with needed resources. Remember to eat healthy, get plenty of rest and take any prescribed medications. You can stay physically active by accessing online exercise options. Yoga is a great way to alleviate stress. It's also important to keep your mind active with books, podcasts, puzzles, etc. Developing a new routine can help to alleviate anxiety. Waking up at the same time, maintaining good hygiene habits, having regular meal times and a time for bed is good for everyones mental health.
If you are working due to being employed by an essential business or service you may find yourself feeling exhausted. Tell a supervisor how you're feeling and that you need a break. It's important to document these conversations.
If you don't feel well call your doctor’s office or emergency room before going for treatment. If you have a medical emergency, call 911. Click the link to access the recommended CDC guidelines.
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For Parents and Caregivers
Below are several resources and printable materials to assist in support children with autism during this difficult time. For further assistance email