Thank you for choosing the Autism Society of Florida as a partner for your company’s philanthropic efforts. Your partnership will instrumentally impact those living with autism. We're interested in making this a mutually beneficial relationship and look forward to answering any questions you might have.​
By becoming a Corporate Partner, you have the opportunity to give to programs and initiatives such as our Premier First Responder Training, Drowning Prevention, Legislative and Community Advocacy and much more!​
The Autism Society of Florida has been serving families for 28 years. We work hard every day in many ways to improve life for everyone with autism and the families who love them across the spectrum and across the lifespan. ASF is comprised entirely of volunteers, mostly parents of children on the spectrum and people with autism.
ASF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.
Your tax-deductible donation will immediately benefit your community.
Any use of ASF’s name or logo must be submitted for approval by the organization. ASF does not engage in product/service/company endorsements. Permission to use the ASF name and logo does not constitute endorsement.