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Coping Strategies

  1. Listen to music.

  2. Go for a walk.

  3. Exercise.

  4. Practice deep breathing.

  5. Use fidget toys.

  6. Meditate.

  7. Engage in relaxing activities.

  8. Practice mindfulness.


There are so many reasons why parents should start building coping strategies with their autistic children. Having these strategies in place will be helpful with behavior during potential anxiety-inducing and stressful situations.

Parents and teachers can help children grow by leaps and bounds if they provide support and coping strategies. Having the ability to cope with different calming strategies can help children develop better self-regulation skills.

Having an array of strategies can also prove to be helpful during social situations and stressful times. They can help improve the quality of life of the child, their family, and teachers.

Building coping skills should be part of a toolbox of skills people with autism can use to stay calm and prevent what would have otherwise become a meltdown. If a person is experiencing less stress and feeling better because they have learned how to deal with stress and anxiety in their everyday lives, this has the potential to start affecting other aspects of life in a positive way.


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